Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Famous WNBA spoof

Sideshow's been raving about this little video for a couple of weeks now, so I thought I should post it on the site.

Here it is:


You heard them today on the air, now see them in cold hard writing here on the website!

Scoff at Sideshow's picks, or ridicule Luke for his absurd upset specials!!

Don't dare cross Matt's picks cause you know you'll be sorry when it's all said and done. (Cause all my picks were conservative (ref: smart))

So without further a due, here are your 2008 Playoff Predictions:

Series #1 - Detroit vs Nashville
Sideshow - Nashville (with the upset special)
Luke - Detroit
Matt - Detroit
Series #2 - San Jose vs Calgary
Sideshow - San Jose
Luke - San Jose (despite his urges to pick Calgary)
Matt - San Jose
Series #3 - Minnesota vs Colorado
Sideshow - Colorado (since Sideshow is so old, he thought Colorado was more familiar)
Luke - Minnesota
Matt - Minnesota (but I wouldn't be surprised if Colorado pulled it out)
Series #4 - Anaheim vs Dallas
Sideshow - Anaheim
Luke - Anaheim
Matt - Anaheim

Series #1 - Montreal vs Boston
Sideshow - Montreal
Luke - Montreal
Matt - Montreal
Series #2 - Pittsburgh vs Ottawa
Sideshow - Pittsburgh
Luke - Pittsburgh (6 or 7 games)
Matt - Pittsburgh (5 games)
Series #3 - Washington vs Philadelphia
Sideshow - Philadelphia (Sideshow just liked the movie so much, he had to pick the team)
Luke - Philly, (for another upset special)
Matt - Washington
Series #4 - New York Rangers vs New Jersey
Sideshow - New Jersey
Luke - New Jersey
Matt - New York Rangers

Sideshow - Montreal vs Pittsburgh (Montreal winner)
Luke - Montreal vs Pittsburgh (Montreal winner)
Matt - Montreal vs Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh winner)

Sideshow - Colorado vs Anaheim (Anaheim winner)
Luke - Anaheim vs San Jose (Anaheim winner)
Matt - San Jose vs Anaheim (San Jose winner)

Sideshow - Montreal
Luke - Montreal
Matt - San Jose

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The end-of-season changes that come in the NFL at the end of each regular season are always interesting to watch. In some cities coaches are fired (see "Baltimore"), in some coaches retire (see "Washington"), and in others there is an entire house cleaning (see "Miami"). Following the firings, it's always interesting to see the rush of NFL management to hire and extend successful coaches.

I find the situation in Cleveland to be one of the most interesting situations. Despite lucrative free agent signings and what seemly were strong draft classes, Cleveland has perennially disgraced the NFL with a team that can barely stay out of the league's cellar. This year, obviously it was a different situation with Cleveland proving to be a legitimate force and nearly making the playoffs. I stress nearly. With this mild success came a rush of NFL management to snatch up the coaches and players involved. Baltimore interviewed Rob Chudzinski (O.C.), and other teams salivated at the opportunity to snatch up surprise quarterback Derek Anderson. Prior to the season, Romeo Crennel was widely speculated to lose his job at year end, but now, with his new found mild success, he has been signed long-term to coach the Browns.

Are memories in the NFL so short? Was it not just months ago that fans of the Browns and NFL prognosticators everywhere were calling for the head of Romeo Crennel? Romeo had two years left on his deal in Cleveland, and instead of letting him play out his contract and finally earn the money he's been being paid, he has received a raise and a contract extension. It makes no sense to me.

Has Rob Chudzinski only been an O.C. for only one year? (yes, he was a tight ends coach a year ago in SD) Is that all it takes? One year of success as an O.C. and you deserve a head coaching job? It's mind boggling to me, and as I peruse the assistant coaches scattered around the league I see several people more qualified and more deserving of a head coaching job. Co-ordinators who have a proven track record of winning, who have played in Championship games, made the playoffs every year and have taken mediocre talent and turned it into contention.

But maybe that's just me. I'm just a country-boy in small town Saskatchewan, who probably doesn't know much. And heck, look at Norv Turner. He sure had a proven track record. Of losing.